News > calendrier > parutions > archives


> Production and realization of a film based on the musical works of Gavin Bryars'"Dolce Voce"

First Screening November 20, 2011 at 11:30 am Church Abbey Berney

As part of the Autumn Festival in Normandy


> Publication of book monographic collective "eRikm" - Editions Les Presses du Réel -

Participation : "The Lines-ups eRikm"


> Publication of book "Ali Charlie", a collection of writings by Daniel Caux on Arab Musics. Editions de L'Eclat - Michel Valensi -

Collection Philosophy imaginary.


> Publication of the "Symphonie Déchirée" DVD - CD Luc Ferrari - Ars Nova Productions.


> Publication of english translation of the book "Presque rien avec Luc Ferrari"

Editions Main d'oeuvre of Jane Otmezguine.
